By completing the ALMI qualification you will improve your knowledge of core insurance functions, gain better business and financial acumen and learn about insurance marketing and distribution.
Who should pursue this qualification
- Anyone who has completed the Level 1: Insurance Fundamentals Certificate and is looking to gain further job-relevant knowledge about the core insurance functions and strengthen business and financial acumen.
- Anyone occupying a role in the life and health insurance sector including operations, marketing and business operations, finance and administration
How to compete the qualification
In addition to completing the two courses at FLMI Level 1 (LOMA 280 and LOMA 290) you must complete the following core course requirements:
- LOMA 301 - Insurance Administration
- LOMA 307 - Business and Financial Concepts for Insurance Professionals
- LOMA 320 - Insurance Marketing
What you will earn
On completion of the the FLMI Level 1 Certificate In Insurance Fundamentals and the three core course requirements, you will be awarded the designation Associate, Life Management Institute (ALMI) from LOMA. Continued membership and professional development is required.
Furthermore these three courses count as credits to the next step - the FLMI
How you will be assessed
Each of these three units are assessed through an online multiple choice questions exam. The I*STAR exams will be proctored and will be scheduled by RISC after the course is completed.
How much time you need to dedicate
This really depends on you and which learning method you choose. As a minimum we recommend that you set aside 100 hours per subject of which 30 hours will be learning through our Live Virtual classes or 20 hours of Interactive video lessons if you choose self-paced.
You will also need time for practice quizzes, assignments and further learning resources and activities that we have prepared for you for private study
The important thing is to keep the pace. Make sure that you can dedicate at least 6 hours per week for lessons (2 X 3 hours each) and revision. Schedule the hours and stick with your timetable.

Check out what you will get with our Blended Learning package.
Structured live classes with PowerPoint Presentations
End of topic live quiz with audience response system
Thought provoking in-class discussions
Live Boot Camp (mock exam)
Weekly Schedule
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Tutor moderated Q & A forum for each learning objective
Recordings of live sessions (30 days availability)
Practice quizzes with feedback
Knowledgebase with links to further learning resources
Grade Book
Mobile app
Discussion Boards
Frequently Asked Questions
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group
Six month access to all study materials via the LOMA Course Portal
One proctored I*STAR examination sitting held at the end of the course.

Check out what you will get with our Self-Paced learning package.
16 hours of Interactive Video Lessons presented by professional experienced tutors.
Inline interaction using H5P technology that keeps you engaged by requiring you to answer multiple choice quizzes or fill in the blanks as you go through the video and providing with instant feedback on your answers.
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice quizzes with feedback
Knowledgebase with links to further learning resources
Grade Book
Mobile app
Customer help line
Six month access to all study materials via the LOMA Course Portal
One proctored I*STAR examination sitting (held monthly)

AED 11,609
AED 8,250
AED 4,822
AED 2,743

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.