Topics Covered
- Risk and insurance.
- The risk management process
- How risk is measured
- Why people and organizations buy insurance
- How insurance works
- Benefits of insurance.

- Understand how insurance market views risk.
- Be aware of the risk management process and explain the insurance as a risk risk transfer and risk sharing mechanism.
- Know the characteristics of risks that can be insured
- Explain how risk is measured
- Know the attitudes towards risk and the motivators to insure.
- Know the economic basics of insurance
- Explain the benefits of insurance to policyholders and to society in general

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
Interact with the tutor
30 hours of Guided Learning Hours through Virtual Live Classes
Weekly Schedule
Over 150 end of topic practice quizzes
Case studies and assignments
Grade Book
Boot Camp (Live virtual session)
Private Study
Interactive online lessons
Short videos explaining key concepts
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice exam with feedback
Links to further learning resources
Live class recordings
Mobile app
Group Dynamics
Discussion forum
Group work
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group

This price is inclusive of 5% VAT.
A non-refundable admission fee of AED 1,000 is payable upon registration to confirm your enrollment. This fee will be deducted from the total programme fee. For further information, see our Cancellation and Refunds Policy.
Enrollments are subject to our Terms and Conditions
- Teacher: Liliane Baaklini
- understand insurable interest
- apply, with examples, their understanding of insurable interest to different cases
- understand utmost good faith and the duties of the insured and the insurer.
- know what are material facts that need to be disclosed by both parties.
- understand moral hazard and how it affects selection against insurers.
- understand proximate cause and how it affects claims under policies of insurance.
- apply, with examples, their understanding of proximate cause to different cases
- understand the principle of indemnity
- know the methods by which insurers provide indemnity
- know how insurers may modify, extend or limit the right to indemnity by contract.
- understand how subrogation and contribution operate to preserve the principle of indemnity.

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
Interact with the tutor
30 hours of Guided Learning Hours through Virtual Live Classes
Weekly Schedule
Over 150 end of topic practice quizzes
Case studies and assignments
Grade Book
Boot Camp (Live virtual session)
Private Study
Interactive online lessons
Short videos explaining key concepts
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice exam with feedback
Links to further learning resources
Live class recordings
Mobile app
Group Dynamics
Discussion fora
Group work
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group

This price is inclusive of 5% VAT.
A non-refundable admission fee of AED 1,000 is payable upon registration to confirm your enrollment. This fee will be deducted from the total programme fee. For further information, see our Cancellation and Refunds Policy.
Enrollments are subject to our Terms and Conditions
- be able to distinguish between General Insurance and Long term business.
- be aware of the main classes of insurance
- know the roles of the key players in an insurance market; buyers, insurers, intermediaries, reinsurers.
- be able to distinguish between different types of insurers by capital structure and types of business they write.
- know the distribution channels for insurance; intermediaries; direct channels, bancassurance, internet, branches.
- know the role of key staff and professionals in the insurance industry: underwriters, claims technicians, loss adjusters, surveyors, third party administrators, financial planning advisors, risk managers, compliance officers risk managers and actuaries.
- know how insurance markets are measured by volume, insurance penetration and concentration of insurance capacity
- Be able to outline the development of the insurance markets in the region

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
Interact with the tutor
30 hours of Guided Learning Hours through Virtual Live Classes
Weekly Schedule
Over 150 end of topic practice quizzes
Case studies and assignments
Grade Book
Boot Camp (Live virtual session)
Private Study
Interactive online lessons
Short videos explaining key concepts
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice exam with feedback
Links to further learning resources
Live class recordings
Mobile app
Group Dynamics
Discussion fora
Group work
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group

This price is inclusive of 5% VAT.
A non-refundable admission fee of AED 1,000 is payable upon registration to confirm your enrollment. This fee will be deducted from the total programme fee. For further information, see our Cancellation and Refunds Policy.
Enrollments are subject to our Terms and Conditions
- be able to outline the process of arranging insurance cover.
- Know the significance of the proposal form and typical contents.
- know additional ways in which underwriters obtain information about the risk.
- be able to explain the purpose and contents of insurance documents: The Policy, the certificate of Insurance, the Cover note, the Broker’s slip, Renewal notice and endorsements.
- be able to outline the claim handling and settlement process.
- be able to explain the Insured’s general duties when lodging a claim.
- be able to outline the renewals procedure explaining the duties of the Insurer, the insured and the intermediary during the renewal process.

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
Interact with the tutor
30 hours of Guided Learning Hours through Virtual Live Classes
Weekly Schedule
Over 150 end of topic practice quizzes
Case studies and assignments
Grade Book
Boot Camp (Live virtual session)
Private Study
Interactive online lessons
Short videos explaining key concepts
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice exam with feedback
Links to further learning resources
Live class recordings
Mobile app
Group Dynamics
Discussion fora
Group work
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group

Special discounted price applicable only until 2nd July 2020
This price is inclusive of 5% VAT.
A non-refundable admission fee of AED 1,000 is payable upon registration to confirm your enrollment. This fee will be deducted from the total programme fee. For further information, see our Cancellation and Refunds Policy.
Enrollments are subject to our Terms and Conditions
- Teacher: Jefferson Keng
- be aware of basic principles of insurance and UAE Law
- know how insurance is regulated in the UAE
- understand the issues relating to insurance sales and customer service as required by Board Resolution No 3 of the Insurance Authority regarding conduct and ethics.
- understand how the principle and requirements of Treating Customers Fairly applies to pre and post-sale insurance activities.
- Be aware of data protection requirements and the consequences of breach under UAE law.
- Be aware of the risks of financial crime including fraud and money laundering in insurance and UAE laws for the prevention of financial crime.

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
Interact with the tutor
30 hours of Guided Learning Hours through Virtual Live Classes
Weekly Schedule
Over 150 end of topic practice quizzes
Case studies and assignments
Grade Book
Boot Camp (Live virtual session)
Private Study
Interactive online lessons
Short videos explaining key concepts
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice exam with feedback
Links to further learning resources
Live class recordings
Mobile app
Group Dynamics
Discussion fora
Group work
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group

This price is inclusive of 5% VAT.
A non-refundable admission fee of AED 1,000 is payable upon registration to confirm your enrollment. This fee will be deducted from the total programme fee. For further information, see our Cancellation and Refunds Policy.
Enrollments are subject to our Terms and Conditions
- Teacher: Liliane Baaklini
- Define risk and know the components of risk.
- Be aware of the risk management process and explain the insurance as a risk risk transfer and risk sharing mechanism.
- Know how insurance works as a risk pooling mechanism.
- Distinguish insurers by financial structure and by function.
- Know the roles of the various insurance intermediaries and distribution channels.
- Know the roles of various professionals in the industry.
- Know the meaning of insurable interest and how it arises.
- Know the meaning of utmost good faith and how it affects insurance contracts and claims with specific reference to the UAE civil code and the insurance authority directives.
- Know the meaning of proximate cause and how it is applies to coverage under insurance policies.
- Know how insurers provide indemnity and the common insurance clauses that affect the payment of claims.
- Be able to explain the insured’s general duties when lodging a claim.
- Understand how the principle and requirements of treating customers fairly apply to pre and post-sale insurance activities.
- Understand the issues relating to insurance sales and customer service as required by board resolution no 3 of the insurance authority regarding conduct and ethics.

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
Interact with the tutor
30 hours of Guided Learning Hours through Virtual Live Classes
Weekly Schedule
Over 150 end of topic practice quizzes
Case studies and assignments
Grade Book
Boot Camp (Live virtual session)
Private Study
Interactive online lessons
Short videos explaining key concepts
Online viewing of powerpoint presentations
Practice exam with feedback
Links to further learning resources
Live class recordings
Mobile app
Group Dynamics
Discussion forum
Group work
Profile sharing
Customer help line
Whatsapp group

This price is inclusive of 5% VAT.
A non-refundable admission fee of AED 1,000 is payable upon registration to confirm your enrollment. This fee will be deducted from the total programme fee. For further information, see our Cancellation and Refunds Policy.
Enrollments are subject to our Terms and Conditions