The reinsurance subject M97 is one module of the full diploma in insurance, which is a technical qualification for insurance staff working across all sectors of the industry. It is also the logical progression from the certificate in insurance.
The Dip CII will provide successful participants with a firm grounding in insurance and will enable the achievement of technical knowledge, thereby ensuring they have the means to perform effectively in a challenging environment. In addition to being a valuable qualification in its own right, the diploma can also be a milestone toward the completion of the advanced diploma (ACII).

Fundamentals of Risk Management (M67) explores how people and organizations can anticipate and deal with risk and uncertainty. How a formal structure can help to identify risks, establish how often they are taken, and measure potential consequences if risks materialize. You will understand risk management, how risk taking can be avoided or reduced, and what can be done to soften the effects when a risk goes wrong.

Insurance Law provides candidates with an insight into the laws which underpin the operations of insurance. It is about enabling candidates to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the laws which form the background to the operation of insurance, the system within which these laws operate and are administered and apply knowledge and skills to practical situations.

- المعلم: Silvan Said
The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with an understanding of the core principles relating to insurance business and finance. Covering such areas as the structure of the global insurance market place, corporate governance, role of various functions within the insurance firm, accounting principles and practices and analyzing financial ratios, it prepares the candidate for career progression as he or she moves up the corporate ladder into a managerial role.

- المعلم: Silvan Said
The objective of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles and practices of Commercial property and business interruption.
The objective of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles and practices of Liability insurances practice.
Liability Insurances (M96) focuses on assessing and managing liability risks; employer's, public and product, specialist and directors' and officers' liability, and; professional indemnity insurance.
Liability insurance provides an indemnity to the insured in respect of their legal liability to other parties. Such obligation to reimburse a third party must arise as a consequence of a breach by the insured of certain rights of the third party. The main purpose of liability insurance is to compensate the victim and at the same time to protect the wrongdoers from the financial consequences of their negligent acts or omissions, breach of statutory duty, and trespass or nuisance, with the added benefit of having a professional party (the insurer) handling the claim.
- المعلم: Silvan Said
- Understand the identification, evaluation and management of liability risk.
- Understand the main considerations of liability underwriting.
- Understand the risks, cover and practices of employers’ liability insurance.
- Understand the risks, cover and practices of public and products liability insurance.
- Understand the risks, cover and practices of directors’ and officers’ liability and corporate reimbursement insurance.
- Understand the risks, cover and practices of professional indemnity insurance.
Download the full syllabus from the CII website

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
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Liability Insurances (M96) counts towards a Diploma in Insurance. It may also count towards the Advanced Diploma in Insurance. This course is ideal for anyone seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding if liability insurances to build a successful career in the insurance profession or support function. You can download the CII's qualification brochure for further details.